Monday, September 02, 2024

Rue Landry

I was intrigued by these passages. They're nothing more than the spaces between buildings, begging for exploration.

La rue Landry, Sarlat.

Yesterday morning, our home weather station reported that the outdoor humidity was at 98%. Yikes! Fortunately, the temperature was cool and it felt comfortable. As the day progressed, the humidity level dropped to more normal levels. By the way, I don't really know how accurate our little weather station is, both with regard to temperature and humidity. We have a second thermometer that also measures humidity out on the deck, and the two of them more or less agree. More or less.


  1. I can’t even find two meteorologists that more or less agree.

  2. That is an amazing little passage!
    I hope you enjoy the Open :)

  3. I love wandering in old places like the one pictured.

  4. mitch, lol!

    judy, I record matches over night and watch them (more or less) all day long. Of course, now, the number of daily matches is dwindling as we move toward the weekend finals.

    evelyn, :)

    michael, :)


Tell me what you think!