Friday, September 20, 2024

Seeing double, again

I know I've posted this before, probably back in 2006. It's a section of the roof line of the château de Beynac, cut and copied and pasted to form this kaleidoscope-like image.


Mirror, mirror.

Grass was cut yesterday! Not all of it, though, so I'll be out there again today to finish up. Depending on how the weather unfolds, this could be the last cut of the year. I have cut the grass in October and November before, so that's not unheard of. We shall see!


  1. That’s a great piece of art. I thought at first it was a reflection in a moat. A mirror-like moat. With a very odd chateau.

  2. Love the abstract....
    if you rotate it 90° to the left, you have a tower from Lord of the Rings with the eye of Sauron at the top!!

  3. Wow, I don't remember ever seeing this photo before!

  4. I think I would have remembered this one- it makes me dizzy to look at it!


Tell me what you think!