Saturday, November 09, 2024


Here's what's become an annual post here: a shot of our neighbors' snowball bush in the fall. In the spring, it's covered with round, white flowers that resemble snowballs. In the fall the flowers are long gone, but the leaves turn bright red.

The neighbors' snowball bush seen from the deck. That's our red maple on the left.

Our firewood was delivered on time yesterday morning. It's in a big pile (dumped by a truck) in the driveway next to the carport. This morning I'll start stacking it. Of course, rain is predicted for Sunday. I'll never have it all stacked (and out of the rain) by then, so I may need to throw a tarp over it.


  1. That snowball bush looks happy. I remember you sharing at least one photo during blooming (at least I think I remember that).

  2. Such a pretty shrub.

  3. Red colors in the landscape are really good during foggy days. Anything with color is good during foggy days!


Tell me what you think!