Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Un Jour, Une Tour [15]

I picked up this way-too-touristy picture frame at the Charles deGaulle Airport one year a while back. Three years ago, Ken, Collette and I arrived in France to begin our Loire Valley life, and we went to Paris soon after so that Collette could romp on the Champ de Mars. Not that she could romp much on-leash, but you get the idea.

I recently put this picture of Ken and the dog in the frame as a memory of that day.

I like the tower-within-a-tower effect.


  1. Le cadre fait très kitsch, mais le résultat est très sympa ! Bravo ! Bises. Marie (Normandy, France)

  2. Same thing for me, I think the two go together for a very nice effect!


Tell me what you think!