Sunday, January 27, 2008

January Sunset

One recent evening, I went into the bedroom to close the shutters and this is what I saw:

So I got the camera. A few minutes later, it looked like this:


  1. With a click on your photos, your beautiful sunset invaded my screen, giving me the illusion that I was looking through your window...
    Yesterday, I was walking miraculously through a castle...

    The internet is new to me (since november). It fills me with wonder. I hope I'll never become blasé. Thank you for sharing...

  2. One of the best things about your home is the fact that you are able to see both sunrise and sunset every day. You are blessed.

    Claudia- it didn't take you long to find the good things on the internet! You learned very quickly.

  3. Walt nice pics . I love sunset shots.
    On another subject, did you enjoy the tension of the game. It is still early in the season, may be we will see Jo in more finals.

  4. Thank you, Evelyn. At 78, I wasn't sure I could learn; but my son knows that I like a challenge. He set the system, gave me a few clues, and let me be. I click here and there, ask when I get lost, find my way again...It's fun1
    With blogs like Claude in Paris, Ken and Walt in La Loire, I have a lot of incentives.

    Merci pour l'hospitalité, WCS. I feel that you live right next door!

  5. It's not Claudia in Paris, of course (I wish!....) but Claudia in Toronto. I do make mistakes... Sorry, Walt.

  6. claudia, a little sun, even if it's cyber-sun, lifts the spirits!

    evelyn, you're right about that! I love all the light we get in this house.

    beaver, the match was great fun to watch - both guys did a great job. I'm sure we'll continue to see Jo as the season progresses.

  7. We're in the midst of a long rainy spell, so your sunset looks like heaven right now.


Tell me what you think!