Friday, December 13, 2024

Counter programming

Is it like garlic to a vampire? Whatever. May this image ward away any bad luck this Friday the thirteenth.


  1. In Spain we apparently worry about Tuesday the 13th. This is just another day. My brother would love that horseshoe. He’s a believer. He has one made from Pipestone (the peace pipe stone from Minnesota) on a lanyard around his neck.

  2. That horse had a big foot! It's also Taylor Swift's birthday today for what that's worth.

  3. It’s a beautiful sunny day here. Not bad for a Friday the 13th. ;)

  4. Ha! Evelyn, I just yelled that out to my husband about it beingTaylor Swift's birthday, to which he said, "Oh my"... ha! And, I was thinking of it as I was about to comment here, and then you mentioned it! I just admire that woman so much, and I'm having fun following her life with her new love.
    Thanks for this amazing horse shoe, Walt!


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