Sunday, December 01, 2024


This is another view inside the cathedral at Sées.Not much to "say" about it. Sées rhymes with the English word "say."

The cathedral at Sées, Normandy. I hope. June 2006.

No leftovers photo today. We took a break from lamb on Saturday and had an Asian-style chicken stir-fry. We'll get back to the lamb today.


  1. Those truly are soaring séelings! Thanks for the lesson. I’ve always said seize.

  2. So, how about the renovations of Notre Dame de Paris,eh? I remember that when we (Betsy, Doug, and I) were last in Chartres, we were kind of shocked at how white the newly cleaned interior was (big restoriation, cleaning project going on)... well, white and brightly colorful. Betsy and Doug were kind of put off by it, and felt that it shouldn't have had the patina cleaned away so much... but, with ND Paris, it now has that same look... except, we're just thrilled that it survived! But, WOW, what a different look and feel it now has. That reliquary for the Crown of Thorns, is wild... I hope to see it one day.

  3. Walt
    I've seen photos of the restoration of the Notre Dame Cathedral. So beautiful. All that light. Absolutely stunning!

  4. mitch, she sells seashells...

    judy, the difference is amazing. I certainly remember ND being all dark and dingy inside. Now it likely looks more like it did when it was first built. I would go see it the next time I'm in Paris.

    ron, the light is amazing! It must be more awesome in person.


Tell me what you think!