Thursday, December 12, 2024

Light my fire

The replacement part for the wood stove arrived yesterday. It was late, which made me think it wasn't coming, but it showed up. Yay! The package was wrapped tighter than an Egyptian pharaoh and took a lot of effort to undo, but it's here. I decided to try it out right away.

The old broken grill.

The old part had been deformed by eighteen seasons of fire. It had curved into a near semi-circle before finally breaking in two. It was no longer able to fulfill its function: to keep burning logs inside the stove when the door is open. What's more, the curvature significantly reduced the space available for logs and thus the size of the fires I could make.

The new grill in place. It slid right in!

As you can see, the replacement part is straight as an arrow and, for the moment, looks rather spiffy. I'm hoping that it will outlive the rest of the stove. I'm not sure what the normal lifespan of this stove is supposed to be. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

And we have fire! Now I need to clean the fireplace.


  1. I was already onto another blog post and realized Jose Feliciano was singing in my head. Thanks for ear worm.

  2. Ha ha…I had The Doors’ version of Light My Fire playing in my head which has now changed to the Jose Feliciano version playing in my head. Love both versions.

  3. And me? I am still laughing at "wrapped tighter than an Egyptian Pharaoh". I hope I can use that phrase soon so I won't forget it! Heehee! The new grill looks terrific!

  4. mitch, feliz navidad! ;)

    evelyn, you can say that again!

    judy, :)

    mary, LOL!

  5. Do not forget to buy a carbonmonoxyde device !


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