Friday, February 28, 2025

Meatball pizza

This is one of the better pizzas that I've made. If you read Ken's blog, you know that he made Swedish Meatballs a few days ago with great success. So, talking about what to do with the surplus, we hit on the idea of putting them on pizza. We cut a dozen meatballs in half for our pizzas. I made my usual pizza dough (enough for two pizzas), then topped each with tomato sauce, dried oregano, some comté cheese, mozzarella, mushrooms, black olives and, of course, the meatballs. We devoured them.

The first of two meatball pizzas. Yum!

Most of yesterday was sunny and beautiful, if not a little chilly. It is still February after all, at least until midnight. March is a notorious month for unsettled weather in France. wind blown rain (sometimes snow) squalls are the norm; they're called les giboulées de mars (March showers -- the equivalent of April showers in the US).

Thursday, February 27, 2025


I applied a sepia treatment to one of the photos I took out in the vineyard earlier this week. If you look closely, you can see our little hamlet in the distance.

Sepia gives this photo a rich old-timey look.

I'm making a grocery run this morning. We don't need much, but I wanted to get a jump on the weekend shoppers. Winter vacations are still on and the stores get crowded on the weekends.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Let them eat cake

I tried something new (for me) the other day. We had (and still have) a bunch of yogurt in the 'fridge that needs to be eaten. Ken suggested a yogurt cake. I found a recipe for a ground almond/blueberry variety. It calls for fresh blueberries, but it's too early in the year to find those. Then I remembered that we had a nearly empty jar of blueberry preserves in the fridge, so I finished that up by spooning it onto the cake batter and using a wooden skewer to make swirls (I've seen this technique on tv and in other recipes). It worked more or less well, depending on which part of the cake you look at. It all tastes good, though.

The wine from the Ardèche region was for lunch. It also went well with the cake.

The big rain came through yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. You know how the tv weather people like to hype up the possibility of bad weather.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


These are the clouds that moved in on Monday morning in advance of the weather system we're under today. Rain came in some time in the night and this morning it's still raining. It should be all over later this afternoon.

Walking the dog on a winter Monday morning.

I had some technical difficulties with file handling this morning. For a while I was convinced that I had lost a bunch of photos. Ken helped me look for them but, as time went on, I convinced myself that they were gone. Then I found them in a misnamed file folder. D'oh!

Monday, February 24, 2025


This photo was one of my "rejects" after a trip to upstate New York back in 2016. But with the help of software, I was able to find some redeeming qualities. This is the Westgate district of Albany, a little less than three miles from downtown. A set of my grandparents (do grandparents come in sets?) lived near here for most of my life. I also lived nearby in my first-ever apartment after leaving home back in '77, so I'm familiar with the neighborhood.

Looking easterly along Central Avenue (NYS Route 5) toward downtown and the Hudson River, May 2016.
There are a lot (!) of car dealerships in this part of town.

We're expecting a lot of rain on Tuesday. And just when the ground was starting to dry out a little.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

While we're at it

This photo is from the deck, looking west and a little north. Easily recognized are the two apple trees. Just beyond them are the oregano patch and the vegetable garden plot. It will soon be time to cut down last years oregano stems to make way for new growth. In the foreground are some of the numerous patches of cyclamen that come up each spring here and there. The primroses will follow a little later.

Spring is just around the corner. I hope.

Today is Tasha's eighth birthday! She has a grooming appointment next week. Boy, does she need it!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Here comes the sun.

Reader Mitchell asked where the sun was in yesterday's photo. Just after I took the picture, the clouds parted, so I got this view. It didn't last very long.

The sun rises at 7h46 this morning. Not that we'll see it. But we will see three more minutes of daylight.

It's raining this morning and we're expecting light rain most of the day. So much for the sun.

Friday, February 21, 2025

A view to the west

There are four weeks of winter left until the vernal equinox. Spring is getting itself ready. Ready for what? We'll have to wait and see what it has in store.

Looking westerly out over the vineyards from the guest room windows.

I have errands to run today. I'm getting my hair cut, going to the post office, and maybe making a quick stop at the grocery store. What an exciting life!

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Three. I think I took this photo for the contrast between the number plate and the other surfaces around it. I don't believe that I removed any color; the shutter just looks like a black-and-white image. The tiny writing above the mail slot says, "Pas de pub & journeaux, svp (s'il vous plaît). Merci !!!" That means, "No advertising or newspapers, please. Thank you!!!

Window shutter with mail slot, Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

Our current spell of spring-like weather feels good. Tasha is enjoying lying in the sun on the deck. We know, however, that it could change back to winter at any moment.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Unlucky for some, lucky for others. Thirteen. I'm not particularly superstitious and the number doesn't have any special significance for me. I typed that with my fingers crossed.

A house number in one of the villages on the Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

We're expected to get up to 13ºC (about 55ºF) today, according to my go-to weather web site. Ooh, spooky!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Am I blue?

This gate must have been painted recently. There's not a mark on it.

A garden gate on the Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

I don't have much to say today. The sore throat is lingering, but it feels like it's getting better with each passing day. Patience. Seeing the sun each day helps.

Monday, February 17, 2025


Une poubelle is a trash/garbage can. We've all got 'em. Ours is just like this one except that it's grey with a red lid. The sticker on this one says, "Avec le SIVOM de l'Ile d'Oléron pour une île propre." The SIVOM (Syndicat Intercommunal à Vocation Multiple -- don't ask) is the garbage collection organization. Ours is called the SMIEEOM (Syndicat Mixte Intercommunal d'Enlevement et d'Elimination des Ordures Ménagères). I told you not to ask. Translated, the sticker reads, "With the SIVOM of Oléron Island, for a clean island." Just kind of rolls off your tongue, eh?

Poubelle, Ile d'O'léron, May 2008.

The daytime highs are inching up at the moment. Clear, sunny skies and no wind. It almost makes the daily low tolerable.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Roof tiles

You often see lizards climbing around on stucco walls and tile roofs (although not in this photo). They seek out sunny and, therefore, warm surfaces. You could say there are a lot of reptiles on the roof tiles. Groan!

No reptiles on these roof tiles. Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

We had a nice sunny day yesterday. It was cold early in the day, but it warmed up a little as the day went on. I had a fire in the wood stove for most of the day. I may do the same today. The ground is still spongy wet and not pleasant to walk on. We stay mostly on the road surfaces when we walk the dog. No one likes muddy paws!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

What made these tracks?

On the near end, it looks like the tracks were washed away by the tide/surf. At the far end, they just seem to stop. Curious.

A boat being put into or brought out of the water? Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

We had a clear night. No clouds to obscure the big, bright, just-past-full moon. But we didn't care. The new shutters on the loft windows were closed and the moonlight didn't bother us a bit.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Les voisins

The neighbors. Fall and winter reveal what's otherwise hidden by leaves: our neighbors' houses. These two are visible from the deck. They're both secondary residences and not occupied most of the year. And their "front" façades face away from us, so that even in winter there's really no vis-à-vis, as the French say.

The house on the left is almost a mini version of ours. The woman who owns it usually comes for a weekend here and there to do yard work.

The neighbor who owns the house on the right sent us a text the other day saying they'd be here on Thursday and possibly through the weekend. They haven't shown up yet (it's Friday morning as I type this). We shall see.

The shutter installation went well and was completed by lunchtime. We're really happy with how they work and how they look. Now we have a problem with our garage door installed about seven years ago by the same guys who do the shutters. The boss guy said that the motors on that door are crap and he's stopped carrying them. He can replace the motor on our door with a better one and give us a break on the price. He'll work up an estimate in the next few days. We need the garage door to work reliably since we keep one of the cars in there.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

View from the deck

These are the two red maples that stand across the driveway from the deck. As you might notice, I did not get all the leaves up last fall. I started, but then it got rainy. I'll finish up in the spring, I hope.

Denuded maples. It'll be nice when they leaf out again.

Today we're getting new shutters installed on five windows. One is a replacement, the others are for windows that haven't had shutters on them. The shutters, like others we have on the house, have solar powered batteries and roll down, or up, at the touch of a button without having to open the window. That's a nice feature to have during wet, cold, and/or windy weather.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A tree in black and white

I'm not all certain if this is same tree from yesterday's post or not. It could be.

Tree on the beach. Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

Everything went well at the insurance office. They're always very polite and helpful. I haven't tested the access to our account on the internet yet. Our agent said that we should wait about twenty four hours for the systems to update before trying to sign on. I'll know soon..

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Trippin' down the streets of the city

Years of constant wind in the same direction can do this. I remember a lot of wind-bent trees from when I lived in northern California. They looked a lot like this. I feel a lot like this.

Everyone knows it's windy. Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

I'm beginning to feel insecure about security. Everybody seems to be moving to two-factor authentication for on line transactions, normally involving the smart phone. My insurance company is asking for my smart phone number so I can join the club. All I have to do is to input my phone number on the web site. BUT, I can't get into the web site without the two-factor authentification in place. Conundrum. So... I'll be trekking down to the insurance office today to get that done (and didn't I already do it last year?). I'll pay the bill while I'm at it. If the staff is not otherwise occupied that is, in which case I'll make an appointment.

Monday, February 10, 2025


I saw a lot of seashells (down by the seashore) while strolling on the beach at Oléron. Nothing unexpected there. Most were broken, but this snail stood out. Of course it did... it once had a foot.

Snail shell on seaweed. Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

Yesterday felt almost balmy as the temperature rose to the high single digits. Still, the ground and everything else outdoors is still quite cold, so it didn't feel as good as it might have. This morning, the thermometer reads just over 6ºC, about 43ºF.

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Poisson confiture

Just kidding Confiture is jam or preserves; gelée is jelly. This is une méduse (jellyfish) that I saw on the beach at the Ile d'Oléron during our visit in 2008. I assume it was dead. I don't remember Callie being interested in it at all.

A jellyfish on the beach. Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

I'm seriously tired of this cold weather. I know it's February and this is kind of normal. But it doesn't feel normal. Our lows hover around zero (freezing) most mornings and struggle to rise through the day. We've had no snow (except once back in December (I think), but otherwise it's been rain and fog. I'll be happy to see it go.

Saturday, February 08, 2025


La Chandeleur in French. The only thing I know about this holiday is that it's crêpe day. That is, people traditionally eat crêpes on this day. We've been following that tradition for years. We make buckwheat crêpes with ham, mushrooms, cheese, and eggs as the main course, then follow up with sweet crêpes for dessert.We didn't do the sweet ones this year. Neither one of us had the energy thanks to this cold we've had.

I know Ken posted his photo of this earlier in the week. Just in cased you missed it...

My watch batteries have been replaced! The jewelry shop in Montrichard was good, except that there was a line when I went in and I had to wait about twenty minutes before the shop owner got to me, then two minutes to have the batteries done.

Thanks for all of your recommendations. I, too, used to go to a shopping mall when in the states where a stand sold watches and did battery replacements. It's been gone for years now, pre-covid, and since then I've been going to the local jewelry shop here in Saint-Aignan, now also gone. I wonder if someone else will reopen it?

Friday, February 07, 2025

Who is that masked man?

Well, it's me. I was futzing around with the phone camera while in the waiting room at the doctor's office earlier in the week. I was the first patient of the day and there were no others in the waiting room. The room is small with six or seven seats. When it's crowded (with sick people) I feel very claustrophobic.

Waiting for the doc. He was pretty much on time.

We're looking at rain this afternoon. I have an errand I want to run this morning in a nearby town. The jewelry shop in our town closed, apparently permanently. I'm going to try another. The reason is to get new batteries in my watches. So far, jewelry shops are the only places I know that replace watch batteries. If you wear a watch, where do you get your batteries replaced?

Thursday, February 06, 2025


Sorry if this series of photos is a little on the samey side. I have some new photos in the phone to share, but I've been too lazy to actually transfer them to the PC. It'll get done. Eventually.

Looking toward North America. Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

On the weather front, it's not as frigid has it has been in recent days. I still bundle up to walk Tasha in the mornings. That means long johns and sweat shirts under the coat, with scarf, knit cap, and gloves. I don't remember ever being such a weather wimp. Brrr.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

On the rocks

Here's Ken and Cheryl sitting on one of the rock jetties, still at the beach near the house we rented. I don't know who the walking people are.

More rocks on the Atlantic side of the island, May 2008.

I had my every-six-months medical checkup yesterday. Prescriptions are renewed, vitals look good, and the blood work I had done in January shows all more or less normal. Yippee!

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Rock and roll

Part of an aniti-erosion jetty, I think.

That's the Atlantic O(cean beyo9nd the rocks. Oléron, May 2008.

Our weather continues cold and foggy. The fog is stuck right on the ground. It's so bright that it's almost oppressive, and almost painful. I can hardly stand  to look out the windows..

Monday, February 03, 2025

Callie à la plage

It's nice to see Callie as a pup. She's just over a year old in these photos. She died young at ten years and we miss her. She was a touch neurotic and hated riding in the car. Still, she was a lovable dog.

Callie the red border collie at the beach in Oléron, May 2008.

We enjoyed a sunny Sunday yesterday, but it stayed cold all day. We made crêpes for lunch as is the tradition in France for la chandeleur. They were the buckwheat variety stuffed with ham, cheese, and mushrooms. They were tasty and quite filling. I took photos, but I haven't looked at them yet.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

On the beach

Our rental house was not far from the dunes and the beach on the ocean side of the island. We walked Callie down to the sand and she had a good romp around. I think that this was her first time at a beach.

I don't know who those people are. They're not us. Oléron, May 2008.

Do you remember the Big Bang Theory? The television show, I mean. I remember Bob Newhart had a recurring role as Professor Proton. He told Sheldon one evening that he had to get to bed early so he could get up in a few hours and wander around the house. That's me.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Shapes and colors

We saw this place not far from our gîte on the Ile d'Oléron back in 2008. I liked the geometry and the colors. I don't remember going inside for a peek. Maybe I should have.

Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

I'm so glad to see January go. It's been a miserable month. February will bring longer days, if nothing else. I'm planning to venture into town this morning for the market. I need a couple of watch batteries replaced and I've got a hankerin' for some egg rolls from the Asian vendors. I had another fire in the stove yesterday. It made the living room all nice and cozy.

By the way, I just want to let all of you who comment on my posts know that I appreciate your words. I haven't had much energy to reply to comments these past weeks, but please know that I'm reading and enjoying them.