Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Trippin' down the streets of the city

Years of constant wind in the same direction can do this. I remember a lot of wind-bent trees from when I lived in northern California. They looked a lot like this. I feel a lot like this.

Everyone knows it's windy. Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

I'm beginning to feel insecure about security. Everybody seems to be moving to two-factor authentication for on line transactions, normally involving the smart phone. My insurance company is asking for my smart phone number so I can join the club. All I have to do is to input my phone number on the web site. BUT, I can't get into the web site without the two-factor authentification in place. Conundrum. So... I'll be trekking down to the insurance office today to get that done (and didn't I already do it last year?). I'll pay the bill while I'm at it. If the staff is not otherwise occupied that is, in which case I'll make an appointment.


  1. A beautiful view and photo. All I thought when I read the title was Feeling Groovy. Close but no cigar.

  2. Windy was my very first 45 I ever bought, when I was a little girl!

  3. Two factor is more secure. I recently wrote a chapter on Identity Theft for an ABA book, the research was "troubling." The thieves are getting smarter every year.

  4. You'll be upright in no time - "I have a feelin'" I use two-factor identification on many of my accounts. It is simple and convenient because I don't have to look up in my 'secret place' for the password - I just open up the phone and then type in the usual five-digit code. Easy-peasy. My insurance office is usually hard to reach by phone. Oftentimes, I just drop in when I am out on errands, too. I have never seen other cars in their parking lot nor have I ever seen any clients there! Not exactly a common place for walk-ins.

  5. mitch, feeling groovy sounds good right about now. The cold is almost gone!

    judy, I remember it, too. It must have gotten a lot of radio play back then!

    travel, I wish I were. ;)

    mary, we had a problem because Ken didn't have a cell phone yet and the extra layer of being international can often complicate things. But it's going better now and we're moving with the times!


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