Thursday, February 06, 2025


Sorry if this series of photos is a little on the samey side. I have some new photos in the phone to share, but I've been too lazy to actually transfer them to the PC. It'll get done. Eventually.

Looking toward North America. Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

On the weather front, it's not as frigid has it has been in recent days. I still bundle up to walk Tasha in the mornings. That means long johns and sweat shirts under the coat, with scarf, knit cap, and gloves. I don't remember ever being such a weather wimp. Brrr.


  1. SG wears long johns most every day here and it’s not nearly as cold as where you are. I love photos of the Atlantic shore along our coasts and imagining what and who sits directly west. I used to tell my brother I was looking out our window right in his direction.

  2. Now, that photo could be framed. These horizontal layers of colors and textures are wonderful.
    If bundle up you must do, then bundle up you should do :)

  3. I must go down to the sea again...

  4. I think the effects of weather hit us harder as we age. Jeffrey and I have both commented recently that we don’t remember being so bothered by the cold before, let alone actually being so cold all the time.



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