Friday, January 17, 2025

Back whence we came

How many times do you get to use the word "whence?" Ken and I made it to the top of the lighthouse (224 steps). We spent some time taking in the views from all directions (and recovering from the climb) before heading back down.

Looking east, toward the mainland. Chassiron lighthouse, Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

Our mornings are still below zero, but the highs seem to be getting a little higher each day. My blood work got done yesterday. Now I can log in and download the results. The woman who checked me in was puzzled as to why I was getting the blood type. All the other blood work is covered by the national health system and our supplemental insurance policy. But the blood type test, since is wasn't required for any medical reason, was on me. It cost 24 euros. I'll write it down on the vaccination record card that I keep in my wallet and also in a file on the computer.


  1. The view was worth the climb!

  2. You climbed on a beautiful day for the view. Is it surprising how few people know their blood type? I would have thought it would be of use to have in medical records.

  3. Great idea! I need to learn how to do a spread sheet, until then I use a calendar for lots of info and my phone book also. Your idea is best because you can get there from your phone.

  4. 24 euros! sounds a genuine bargain.


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