Thursday, January 30, 2025

This is not the house that Jacques built

Er... this is not the house we stayed in. But doesn't it look inviting?

A home on the Ile d'Oléron. May 2008.

My cold is getting better. There's still a lingering cough, but it's no longer vioulent, nor does my throat burn when I do cough. You can read about Ken's doctor visit on his blog. All good news.


  1. It does look inviting... and a reminder that spring is on its way.
    I'm glad to know that you are continuing to feel better, and read Ken's blog with relief, too :)

  2. Maybe Jacque’s brother built it. It looks very inviting.

  3. I love that entrance/terrace with the full-glass doors, but most of all, I love those welcoming flowers. Glad to hear that you, too, continue to recover. By the time the weather is springlike, you will both be in tiptop condition, is my prediction!


Tell me what you think!