Friday, February 07, 2025

Who is that masked man?

Well, it's me. I was futzing around with the phone camera while in the waiting room at the doctor's office earlier in the week. I was the first patient of the day and there were no others in the waiting room. The room is small with six or seven seats. When it's crowded (with sick people) I feel very claustrophobic.

Waiting for the doc. He was pretty much on time.

We're looking at rain this afternoon. I have an errand I want to run this morning in a nearby town. The jewelry shop in our town closed, apparently permanently. I'm going to try another. The reason is to get new batteries in my watches. So far, jewelry shops are the only places I know that replace watch batteries. If you wear a watch, where do you get your batteries replaced?


  1. In Australia where I live, in the middle of almost every shopping mall there is usually a place where you can get new batteries in almost anything, like watches, car key openers, remote controls (but not cars obviously), as well have your spare keys cut, reset your automatic garage door opener, and buy all sorts of similar electronic gadgets. Most of these are owned by a company called Mister Minit. They don't operate out of a shop - more like a pop-up stall in the open space between the shops. They also repair shoes, do engraving (on rings, bracelets, sports trophies etc) and even do metal and plastic name badges! Very handy. And they do it while you wait, or while you shop nearby.

  2. I thought it would save my name - I am David!

  3. SG gets his watch batteries only at jewelry shops, because they install them for him. I love your glasses.

    1. mitch, thanks! They're a pair I found at a Lens Crafters upstate in 2016.

  4. There was a Timex watches store at the mall that I used to use, or a jewelry store in the mall.... last time I had it done, which was a few years ago.

  5. I go to a local jewelry store that replaces watch batteries at no charge.
    Hope you’re feeling better.

  6. I bought some tools on Amazon, and I change the batteries myself.

  7. Is there a SuperU near you? If so, does it have a shoe repair outlet in it? They might do it. I think the one in Loches does.
    We bought a tool kit for replacing batteries from Amazon, also a selection of batteries. It's fiddly and you have to be careful but pays in the long run. Not all watches are easy to do.

  8. I have many choices - Big Box stores - Fred Meyer (Kroger) - 3 branches locally, jewelry stores ($$$) but I prefer Batteries Plus (chain of small stores actually started in Waukesha, Wisconsin where we lived for 9 years. I found out from a friend, that I could pay $19.95 and they will replace my watch battery free forever. (Or as long as their business or my watch lasts!) The chain started after we returned to Oregon and I was so surprised to learn of it's founding in Waukesha (one of the founders is the Dad of one of my daughter's classmates from that time 30 years ago. I found in the past I was replacing my watch battery almost every year. $10 for one-time battery replacement (previous price as now I only have to go back to Batteries Plus).

  9. Here in northern California, we used to have places as described in David's comment about Australia, but Covid and high rents wiped them out. Jewelry stores charge a bunch. So I took my watch with me to Ireland in October, and a nice watch vendor in an historic mall did it for me. -- Chrissoup

  10. good for you! I am wearing my mask often again.


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