Saturday, July 15, 2006

First Squash Harvest Of The Year

After planting seeds, watering, weeding, and thinning, here are our first results:

Yellow squash and green zucchini. Yum! Ken sliced them up, blanched them, then made a kind of vegetable lasagne with some left-over bolognese sauce that he made with tomatoes frozen from last year's garden and some mozarella. It was tasty!

Bastille Day was uneventful. Ken went to bed early since he had to get up early today to drive up to Etampes. I stayed up until 23h30 to watch and listen to all the fireworks going off around us. St. Aignan has the biggest show, and I could see the flashes of light and hear the booms - not to mention the big sound system playing music. Noyers was also audible, but I could actually see some of the bursts in Mareuil through the trees from our balcony.

This morning I cut up a chicken and am marinating it in pesto sauce. I think I'll make a cucumber salad, too.

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