Friday, April 18, 2008

My Desk

In case you were wondering, and even if you weren't, this is where it all happens.

Or, at least, where some of it happens. Callie is my wallpaper. The Washington, DC, Metro Subway map is my mouse pad. How nerdy is that?


  1. ...and you are so neat!.....

  2. I love seeing where blogs come from. Your space is well organized and the wallpaper is lovely.

    Enjoy your company.

  3. As soon as I saw your desk, I started cleaning mine...I felt that your computer could see right across the world and was pointing a finger at me. Callie doesn't mind the dust on my screen. She's always so friendly when I put her on. I didn't know that the word metro is used in English. Without the accent of course.

  4. At least I am not the only one who does not have a flat panel monitor.

  5. quite neat i would say, and no, definitely not nerdy at all!

  6. Of course, my cleaning efforts lasted 5 minutes...;-)

  7. victor, neat-o!

    evelyn, we are having fun. And eating.

    claudia, bon courage!

    dan, but that IS a flat panel (granted, it's an older one, but it's definitely not a crt.

    kyh, merci!

  8. So it is just me. Ugh.

  9. That looks positively tidy by my standards. No wonder your blog is so well organised.

  10. It looks very neat. Mine is invaded occasionally by my daughters (even though they have their own computers) and is looking pretty messy. I think you've inspired me to clean up...

  11. You only have one computer on it? I recently bought a new Macbook and I am really happy about it, but that means I have my old iBook G3 from like 8 years ago and my less old iBook G4 from like 4 years ago gather ing dust, not really. My workspace looks more like a workshop as I try to tinker with the old machines to make them do things. I am a bit of a packrat and have a hard time throwing stuff away, especially when one knows where old computers go to burned and become great carcinogens in the sky.

    The subway map is a neat mousepad. I haven't been using a desktop for a long time so I kind of miss having mousepads.


Tell me what you think!