Our neighbor across the road, Bernard, was out on Saturday cutting his grass, too. His property is much bigger than ours and he has a fancy-pants riding mower to handle it.
Oh, did I mention he's seventy-eight years old? I swear he's got more energy than I do.
A sandwich for a Saturday
17 hours ago
is it every house there comes with such a big lawn? man... i'm jealous!
ReplyDeleteAnd when Bernard is finished, please send him to our place. Our north 40 is tall and thick. (Got the S, E, and W 40s done, though!)
ReplyDeleteThat is a fine water spigot. Here's artistry where you don't expect it.
78 is nothing! I have no lawn to mow but I do walls and windows. I also comment on blogs...
ReplyDeleteI wish I had that kind of energy.
ReplyDeletekyh, only out in the countryside!
ReplyDeletelouise, I'll pass that along...
claudia, un gamin, eh?
starman, you said it!
dare I? Vieux, c'est mieux !! ;)
ReplyDeleteClaudia, you'll never cease to amaze me!