Tuesday, March 18, 2025

A tail of two hedges

One of our neighbors across the road had his hedges trimmed last week. His is a mixed "wild" hedge, or at least that's what I call it. it's made up of different kinds of trees and vines and other varieties of plants. Our hedge, in contrast, is mostly one hedge species called laurier cerise (cherry laurel). There are also bay laurel, honeysuckle, ivy, and blackberry brambles mixed in to our hedge, but it's mostly cherry laurel plants.

For the time being, our and our neighbors' hedges are neatly squared off. That will change as spring arrives. They look cool in the fog.

I noticed this view of both our hedges yesterday morning when I took out the garbage. Ours is on the right, the neighbor's is on the left.


Tell me what you think!