Thursday, March 20, 2025

Another quick one

We're expecting the guys who did our window shutters and our garage door to show up first thing this morning. They have a new motor for the garage door that they installed back in 2018. I also need to show them a small problem that we're having with one of the shutters they installed last month (we're very happy with them otherwise). Finally, I want to ask them for an estimate for a new door and shutter on the garden shed. The door we had installed in 2003 is literally coming off its hinges and the old wooden shutter has seen better days.

These grape vines were planted two seasons ago.

I made a little more progress in the yard yesterday afternoon. The hortensias (hydrangeas) are pruned back and I got a start on pruning back the out-of-control glycine (wisteria). I hope to finish that today.

Happy equinox to all! It's the first day of spring!


  1. Joyeux printemps! I love home improvements (and shed improvements, too). Can’t wait to see all you do.

  2. Joyeux printemps encore une fois!

  3. Well, I'll join in: Joyeux premier jour de printemps! May you have many sunny days!


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