Sunday, March 02, 2025

Somewhat tall

This building, with its forty-four floors, is the Corning Tower in downtown Albany, NY. When completed in 1973, it was the tallest building in New York State outside of New York City. According to Wikipedia, it still holds that title. To get this shot, I stood in what is unceremoniously called The Parking Lot District. Cars park on the vacant land left when the neighborhood's commercial and residential buildings were demolished to make way for a sprawling freeway interchange. I read somewhere that there is a project in the works to redevelop parts of the district, but that the landowners who operate the parking lots are, naturally, opposed. I'm not sure where in the planning process that project is these days.

Some parking structures were built in recent years, but much of the district remains as surface lots.

It's still cold outside, but there's hope for a warm up in the coming week. Let's cross our fingers.


  1. It would be nice if the Parking Lot District (so glamorous) could be put to better use with parking structures and more, and an actual city park.

  2. Never mind. I just found it on the map. Not a great location for a public park!

  3. There is a very sweet blogger who lives in that part of the state. He is a little over a year away from being able to retire from the state.

  4. I'd say it is at least somewhat tall :)


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