Monday, March 17, 2025

La rouère

Where you see trees in this image is where une rouère (a stream bed or ravine) runs down to the river collecting water from the surrounding vineyard parcels. If it has a name, I don't know it. Another ravine nearby does have a name: la rouère de l'aulne (Alder Ravine). The vineyard parcel in the photo's foreground was replanted two seasons ago. The vines are hardly visible, partly because they've recently been pruned down to a single cane and partly because they`re still quite young. The next step in this parcel should be the pliage; the canes will be bent to the horizontal and fastened to guide wires as they begin to leaf out.

Vines are planted on high ground so the parcels will drain quickly down to the river.

Our snow episode yesterday ended shortly after my morning walk with Tahsa. This morning we're socked in by fog. The forecast is for increasing temperatures through the week. I'll take it.


  1. There’s blue sky in the picture!

  2. Increasing temps are a good thing! And blue sky!
    Thanks for the new word, la rouère. WordReference has never heard of it!


Tell me what you think!