Thursday, March 06, 2025


This will have to suffice as Tasha's "before" shot. She looks a little shaggy. I'll post an "after" shot tomorrow. I took a few yesterday, but I'm not happy with them. Tasha would not sit still enough. I put her in a "sit/stay" to take the picture. She's very good at sitting, not so good at staying.

Tasha pauses by the lone walnut tree during our morning walk. Her back end and feet really need a trim.

We're enjoying dry, sunny, and relatively warm weather! I don't want you to think that I only mention the weather when it's bad. Yard work isn't happening yet, but we'll get there. I hope.


  1. I think she’s lovely, 😀however she stands! Happy days with a dog, aren’t they. 🐕 Pats.🚜

  2. Enjoy the sunshine! I look forward to seeing the beautiful uncooperative Tasha.

  3. I look forward to seeing her "new doo" too! Even from the backside, she sure is a beautiful dog.


Tell me what you think!