The daffodils in the photo on top are starting to fill in nicely. I relocated most of these from other parts of the yard over the past couple of years. At first they looked kind of sad and lonely, but now they're getting there.
We did the same the same with some irises (relocated them) in 2006. Actually, our friend Sue did most of the work while she was here visiting. They, too, are looking better than they did last year, although I think they'll be even better next year. It's still too early for flowers, though.
I once read this about planting bulbs & irises: the first year they sleep, the second year they creep, and the third year they leap! If that's true, then next year should be great.
Gorgeous photos. Is that a row of grapes in the background of the primrose photo? Here we have only snowdrops, crocus tom., and one lone iris histrioides. Our lilac doesn't even know it's a lilac yet. I envy you.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, great photos. Thanks, Walt!
ReplyDeleteThe carpet of primroses all different colours is dream-like. I love the muscari with full grapes. Beautiful garden. Thanks for the photos.
ReplyDeletewcs, I cannot enlarge the picture of the week. I saw this at Exurbitude. I could put it full size there. Is there something I'm not doing well here? I'm fascinated by the eclipse.
ReplyDeletelouise, yes! Those are grapes. There are three or so varieties of table grapes in that row. We don't know which are which, and they don't produce much because we don't treat them or protect them from the birds.
ReplyDeletecheryl, merci!
claudia, I know - the IOW can't be enlarged, but if you want to see the larger size, go to my original post here.