Friday, February 20, 2009

Signs Of Spring

I know it's still a bit early, but what the heck. Stuff is happening. To wit:

I think these are tulips coming up.

The bulbs are coming up. The cyclamens are up, too, and flowering. The primevères (primroses) are also up, but they're not yet flowering. It's a late year for them.

The forsythia are in full bud. It won't be long before we have bright yellow flowers.

It's nice to be enjoying the benefits of longer days, especially when they're sunny ones. That's rare, this time of year, so we enjoy 'em when we get 'em.


  1. Walt, your pictures give me hope that soon here in Aberdeen I'll be seeing the start of bulbs in my back garden. The days are lengthening, but we've been under a blanket of snow that has kept everything on the ground a secret.

  2. Obviously, this is Aberdeen, Scotland. If it were one of any Aberdeens in the US, it would be followed by the state abbreviation. The only Aberdeen I've been through is Aberdeen, MD.

  3. Oh yeah baby, it's happening around here too! Truthfully, it's one of my favorite times of the year.

  4. Walt

    is it a Rosé? :-)

  5. Looks pretty. What with the drought and the heatwaves, everything's very brown down here. Which is sad.

  6. Si tu bois ce que j'veux dire!

  7. P.S.
    Les Français sont réputés pour leurs mauvais calembours!

  8. April is a yellow month - daffodills, tulips and forsythia. I miss all of them.

  9. keir, here's hoping for a quick thaw! Looking forward to seeing you on your next trip down.

    chm, correct!

    lewis, it being your birthday month!

    beaver, nope, a fruity Touraine red. ;)

    chm, je l'ai bu!

    ur-spo, there must be some springtime equivalent in Phoenix?

  10. I am forcing springtime with cut forsythia. It must be nice to see it happening all over. Still too cold here in DC.

  11. Great news!!! Glad to see that spring is in the air...
    I am planning to do a "girls trip" to Giverny to see the tulips in bloom (also the whisteria).
    Alex and I will defin. be back to visit you guys!!
    Have a nice weekend... Leesa et Alex


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