Monday, February 17, 2020

A milestone birthday

I've known my friends L & L for over forty years. We met back in 1979 when we all worked for the same state agency in Albany, the capital of New York. They were instrumental in my decision to leave work and go to Paris for a year back in 1981. I can't imagine how my life would have unfolded had I not done that. For one thing, that year in Paris is when and where I met Ken.

My friends L & L and his birthday cake. I only took one picture, so I'm glad it worked!

On this sad occasion of my aunt's death, there was this bright spot. L & L's neighbors invited me to join them for an intimate celebration of L's 80th (!) birthday on Sunday evening. They have been neighbors since L & L bought their house back in the early eighties. It was a wonderful little party with P & T, their two grown sons and their wives. We enjoyed tasty food and wine and great reminiscences of their time as neighbors. I felt privileged to be included.


  1. Always wonderful to celebrate life and friendships during times like those.

  2. Glad you had the bright spot- 80 is worth celebrating!

  3. It's wonderful to have been friends for so long and have been able to celebrate this birthday with them!

  4. Please give L and L my heartfelt thanks for being instrumental in your decision to go to Paris!

  5. Your friend certainly does not look 80. Does he also walk a dog in vineyards?

  6. And his wife doesn't look anywhere close to her husband's age. What is her secret?

  7. Neither of them looks their age. How nice that you were invited to join the party!

  8. Bright spot, indeed! To think you might have missed this party. Shows what a great photographer you are, Walt! One shot and there is the proof. L&L must have really enjoyed sharing the evening with you so unexpectedly. I only wish you had been there for a happier occasion.


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