Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Make tracks

Certain sections on the edges of certain vineyard parcels have a tendency to collect water and drain slowly. Consequently, the ground can be a little soft and the growers' tractors leave deep ruts between the rows of vines. When the ruts finally dry out, the clay mud starts to crack.

Deep tracks made by heavy tractors on soggy ground.

Today, however, this track will have become a puddle once again. It's rained most of the night; not torrential rain, but a steady light rain. With the damp weather, I'm not hopeful for our tomato crop. The blight has taken hold and we're losing fruit. It seems to be affecting the large tomato plot much more than the smaller one, so we may get some more good tomatoes. There's nothing we can do now but wait it out and remove infected fruit. The fungus is destroying the stems as well, so they'll also have to go. Not into the compost (where the fungus can survive), but into bags for the dump or into a burn pile. Still, we had enough ripe tomatoes to make five containers of tomato sauce for the freezer yesterday.


  1. A beautiful composition. Love all those textures.

  2. We fedound some of our tomato plants held out despite blight infections to produce perfectly good fruit. They dropped almost all their leaves and look sick, but the fruit ripened extra fast. Other varieties failed completely, such as Lemon Boy, one of our favourites and a modern F1 hybrid. The hero has been a heritage variety called Blue Fruit, and Noire de Crimée did well too. Oldies but goodies. Tell your plants that ours say to hang on in there! Pauline

  3. Wow. That's such a shame about the tomatoes.
    Walt, could you or Ken maybe take a photo or two to show what this blight looks like? I don't really know what this would look like in the garden.

  4. Beautiful image. It's a shame about the tomatoes. Glad you got something out of them.

  5. "Timides éclaircies" forecast for you Wednesday. Good day to stay inside and watch tennis!


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