Friday, August 01, 2014


At several times during the year, we can see the growers plying their rows of grape vines with big sprayers attached to tractors. I think they're spraying to prevent mildiou (mildew and other fungus) from attacking the leaves and vines. The solution used most often is called bouillie bordelaise (Bordeaux mixture) which is made with copper sulfate. You can see a blueish tint on the leaves after the vines have been treated, until rain washes it away. Then it's time to spray again.

Spraying in the vineyards behind our house. We steer clear of the "fog" when walking out there. I used a telephoto lens for this shot.

I'm not sure, but I don't think that other pesticides are used out there, aside from herbicidal treatments to keep the weeds down. Many growers rely on herbicides, but some of the growers around us are "organic" and don't use herbicides at all. They plow and sometimes mow between rows of grape vines to control weeds. I'm sure there are books full of regulations concerning what growers can and can't do in the vineyard and when.


  1. Even more regulations if you're bio. Bordeaux mixture is "allowed" in organic cultivation but many don't like it. And, as you say, it washes off in the rain. P.

  2. I think it is not healthy but you can do nothing.


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