Friday, May 15, 2015

One step forward...

...two steps back. I don't intend for the blog to get all technical, but at the moment I'm trying to figure things out with my photos. I appreciate the advice some of you are leaving in the comments section; it's all very helpful. While I continue to experiment with Lightroom, I've fallen back to Photoshop for the moment. Processing the raw format in Photoshop goes a lot quicker for me at this point and I'm satisfied with the results. I actually swapped out yesterday's Lightroom-processed photo for a Photoshopped version after publishing because I liked it better.

This shot was underexposed. The "correctly" exposed versions blew out all the detail in the white flowers.

I'm going to try another lens today: my fixed 50mm f/1.4. I'll see how the raw images look with that compared to the 18-55mm zoom. Then I'm going to look at couple more tutorials on "developing" in Lightroom. Thank goodness I'm retired!


Tell me what you think!