Monday, June 29, 2015

It's still "during"

With no work over the weekend, the den renovation continues this morning. So far, the radiator has been removed, sanded, and painted with a first coat. The old wallpaper is gone, the walls and ceiling were sealed, sanded, and primed. New binding paper went up on the ceiling and walls and the ceiling received two coats of paint. Wow; writing it down makes me realize how much has already been done!

Not much to see, but it's coming along.

Today we'll see the first coat of color on the walls and I think the radiators (there's a second one being done from another room) will get their second coats as well. The radiators are laid out on the deck, so we have to watch to make sure cats and dogs (you know who) don't walk on them. I know one dog who already has, but fortunately they were dry enough when she did it.

The ceiling is finished, at least.

We're hoping that everything will be done by Wednesday. Then it will be time to do a good cleaning of the floor tiles and start moving back in. I've picked out a new light fixture for the ceiling (from Ikea) that I think will be nice, but we have to go to Tours to get it. A shopping trip is in our near future. I will post photos of the finished work at the appropriate time.


  1. Looks already so much better!

  2. It's enough work for you just moving everything out of the room and then back in, so a wise move to get the professionals in for the actual work. It's looking good. Look forward to seeing the finished project.

  3. It looks way brighter already...
    rather than buy new doors [see an earler comment]...
    you could use a contrasting colour on the central panels?

    Or, blow up some of your favourite pictures....
    and bond them into the central panels....
    that would make the room uniquely yours and would be easily changeable.


  4. Oooh, thanks! Love these renovation photos!

  5. What a huge amount of work. But I'll bet you're both sorry you took down that wallpaper (not).

  6. Putting up wallpaper is enough work in itself. Taking it down 21 years later is only easier because I knew we used sizing and the wallpaper came down without a Huge amount of work. Not fun, though, and I'm envious you hired it done.

    What a relief it must be to see it coming to an end!

    Mary in Oregon


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