Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A pair of peppers

I picked these from the vegetable garden this past weekend. I was surprised to find them this late. I knew there were some small peppers left on the plants, but I assumed they had either rotted or been eaten by slugs. But these got large and are in good shape. Now I have to do something with them.

Orange/yellow bell peppers from the garden.

Our temperatures are a little lower than they were over the weekend, but it's still pleasant. I like Indian summer, but I'm hoping that we have a real winter this year. And while I'm not fond of being cold, I know we need some cold weather and a freeze or two. Now, when I say cold, I'm not talking the arctic chill that you North Americans and Scandinavians know. Our climate is far too temperate for that. Thank goodness.


  1. Stuff 'em, freeze 'em...
    enjoy 'em when Ken gets back!

  2. spouse made stuffed peppers this past weekend. just a suggestion...

    or slice them for a stir-fry.

  3. Jambalaya stuffed peppers.... mmmm.

  4. Read in The Telegraph yesterday that the UK can expect some bad weather conditions this winter because
    of El Nino. They said that it would be similar to 2013. Perhaps you'll experience the same.

  5. Those are great looking peppers. If I had 'em I'd put them on my daily mixed salad. And I totally agree with you on the weather topic. And I would be really happy if it would snow at least once.

  6. I thought of you and Ken a few weeks back when I made this recipe. I'm sure you have most (if not all) the ingredients at home. It was delicious. I served mine over pasta, but any grain or just bread would do. Bon Appetit!


  7. roast them or just freeze them. or better roast them and put them on a piece of that fabulous bread which has been toasted and rubbed with garlic and drizzle with some olive oil. :)

  8. You've already DONE something with them. You've produced a brilliant photo.

  9. great gardener and pefect vegetable


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