Sunday, September 07, 2008

Friday Food

Friday was a day for leftovers. Ken made a pork roast the other day and we had a lot of it left over. So today he used garden green beans, garden summer squash, and some carrots to make a big potful of wonderful stuff.

Left over pork roast surrounded by carrots, squash, and beans.

It was delicious. So then I had to make dessert. On Thursday we had lunch at our friend Gisèle's place. She made a rustic apple tart with a pâte sablée. That's like a cookie dough crust. So I decided to try one today. I went outside and picked some apples off the tree and made my own rustic apple pie with a pâte sablée.

A rustic apple tart.

And this is what it looked like. It's rustic in that the apples are sliced slightly larger than normal, there's no custard filling, and the crust is sablée rather than brisée. I could have made it even more rustic by not arranging the apples, but I just can't help myself. I glazed the fruit with some of Ken's home made apple jelly. Yum!

It was very good, and a pâte sablée is much easier and quicker to make, but I think I prefer my standard pâte brisée because it's not so sweet.


  1. I wish that leftovers at my house looked half as good!

    Was your lunch sauteed or stir fried?


  2. This is a colourful meal. I'm sure that the apples liked to be fussed about. It's nearly a shame to take a piece out but I couldn't resist!

    I call your blog: "La Rubrique Villageoise." We get all the interesting news about life around you. House, garden, meals, village, weather etc. + a daily and weekly Callie.

    I call Ken's blog: "Tranches de vie à-la-Balzac." We get flavourful descriptions of people and events.

    Sometimes you and Ken interchange your roles. It's a fun book; the illustrations and recipes are fabulous. Thank you for sharing.

  3. bettyann, the vegetables were all cooked separately, then it was all combined in a sauce (which you can see in the photo) to be heated through.

    claudia, I like your titles!


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