Sunday, May 17, 2009

Photo Du Jour : Field

Here's Callie checking out the donkey paddock on the down slope of the vineyard. We haven't seen the donkey in there lately, but the owners of the parcel did mow the tall grass down earlier this spring.

Callie checks it out.

The weather on this day is as it has been for the past few. That is overcast, damp, and cool. With the added attraction of a stiff wind. Not great for taking pictures.


  1. I have been in France for only three days and, just like you, I'm already fed up with that kind of weather. June should have flowers all over the place!

    I sure can use the heat Cheryl is sending me!

  2. Hi Walt,

    Thank you for another great picture to add to my personal slide show entitled "The Beautiful World of Walt & Ken" (or , as told to Ken, "...of Ken & Walt"). I enlarge and edit them for my 1440 * 900 screen so some are not suitable, but they are all appreciated. Once in a while I go fishing through past blog entries for more so I have a nice collection.

    Thanks again,

  3. bill, if you want a bigger version of any photo, just let me know. I reduce them in size for the blog, but I'd be happy to send you a larger version if you'd like.

  4. Hi Walt,

    Thanks for offering...I have a list of about 350 that I would like to have full size. However, I'll whittle that down some before sending it to you.

    In the meantime, one comes to mind that I use as wallpaper most of the time. It's poppies1.jpg from your April 19, 2009 entry...a very cheery splash of color!

    Thank you very much,


  5. chm, the sun's out this morning. But it's still chilly!

    bill, done!

  6. beautiful photos,even if your weather was not that great....Barb


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