Thursday, December 19, 2013

A dark and stormy night

Ken says he didn't sleep much, but I only woke up once to hear the gusting winds and rain on the roof. A good-sized front moved through overnight. I don't know how much rain we got, but it wasn't a deluge or anything.

Monday's sunrise. Click to ensolenate.

When I opened the shades on the western side of the house at seven, I saw the big bright moon shining. So the front is gone and the sky is relatively clear. When the sun rises (at 08:37 today), maybe it will look a little like this.


  1. Love our current moon! Beautiful photo.

  2. The photo makes it look like the sky-washing is over and life can now carry on again.

  3. WOWSA! You must be so pleased that you both decided to open up your second floor and put in that skylight! Were you able to get such wonderful photos of sunrises/sunsets before?


Tell me what you think!