Friday, April 19, 2019

The wall

From what we could see, most of what remains of the château at Arlempdes are the exterior walls. There are various foundation elements visible, and the restored chapel is the only real building standing. Of course the place was closed for the winter season when we visited but, as I've said before, we weren't counting on going in because we had the dog with us.

Castle walls in Arlempdes.

It's busy weekend for us here at home. We're both getting haircuts (mine was yesterday), I have an appointment with the dermatologist today, and we're going into town to the market on Saturday to get a rabbit for Sunday's lunch. I made the rounds of the garden centers on Thursday looking for some wooden stakes for the vegetable garden. I didn't find exactly what I wanted, but I did find a couple of parsley plants for the deck and some flowering plants for the window boxes. I'll be taking advantage of the nice weather this weekend to get them all planted.


  1. Are your snow peas doing better than they did last year? And what's going on in the greenhouse? Some photos perhaps.

  2. How appropriate to have rabbit on Easter!

  3. Wow! I love that photo!
    Hope you get a good bunny.

  4. Is it a French tradition to eat the Easter Bunny? Like the Thanksgiving turkey?

  5. sheila, yes, the peas are up and looking good. Tomato seedlings are popping up in the greenhouse as well as zukes. Photos are on their way!

    sillygirl, it's an old tradition for us. It has shock value. ;)

    judy, thanks! The rabbit was procured this morning. :)

    mitch, not at all. But we started doing it in Washington, DC, and it just became a tradition. You lived there at the time, so that's how long we've been doing the rabbit thing.


Tell me what you think!