Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The fall vineyard

The vineyard in the first days of fall looks pretty much like the vineyard in the last days of summer. With one difference: there are many fewer grapes. Much of the sauvignon crop has been harvested. Yesterday I noticed that red grapes (cabernet, côt, and gamay) were being harvested. I think the pace has accelerated because a rain system is moving in.

These red wine grapes hadn't been picked when I took this picture, but the leaves were already starting to turn.

In fact, it's raining again this morning as I type this (about 07h00) and the rain is expected to last most of the day. More is on the way. We really need the rain, of course, but it complicates the harvesting schedule. And it makes walking the dog a pain.


  1. I missed some real heavy rains here while I was gone (major flooding in Málaga). The color of those grapes is so rich!

  2. mitch, I saw/read some of that on/in the news.


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