Sunday, October 08, 2023

Autumn rose

This flower showed up recently on one of our few remaining rose bushes. It's an old, scraggly plant, but the flowers are pretty.

These roses bloom in late spring and early fall.

Today is a hunt day. So far this season, which started a week or so ago, I haven't seen any hunters in the vineyards out back. I have heard gunshots in the distance, but no active hunters near us. And there hasn't yet been an organized hunt out back. It's only a matter of time. Meanwhile, our Sunday morning walks with Tasha are careful ones.


  1. As you know, the idea of hunts around you makes me nervous. I was in England one Christmas visiting my sister. There's was a bit of snow on the ground and one big pink rose on their rose bushes. Magic.

  2. The last rose of summer, maybe.

  3. Roses in the wild are beautiful. Oh my :)

  4. mitch, it makes me nervous, too, especially when I'm out walking.

    evelyn, probably.

    judy, this one's in the back yard, but it might as well be wild they way I treat it. ;)


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