Thursday, October 19, 2023

Grooming day

This morning, Tasha has her long-awaited appointment for a shampoo and a haircut. The mobile groomer is expected soon in her converted camper van. I was very happy with the job she did last time and I was willing to wait six weeks for the appointment. I think Tasha will be happy, too. Her long hair gets matted if we don't brush it out regularly (and I'm not very good at that) and it catches a lot of burs this time of year. And she sheds a lot.

Quite an ornate steeple.

This photo is of the steeple on the church Saint-Martial d'Angoulême. I didn't go inside, but I suspect it looks pretty churchy in there. By the way, if I haven't mentioned it, I took all the photos from this trip with my DSLR and the 50mm fixed lens. I never once put on the wide angle or the zoom lens, although some of my shots might have turned out better if I had. And I didn't use the phone camera, either.

Also, I am now, for some reason, unable to comment on my own blog. Not even anonymously. Ken's research indicates it may be a problem with Firefox, but we're not sure. I may try using Edge or Chrome if that works, but I'm not there yet. Rest assured that I'm reading your comments and look forward to being able to respond again, soon.


  1. That steeple is beautiful. Tasha soon will be, too. Maybe Blogger has determined you can't be trusted.

  2. Walt.... "Also, I am now, for some reason, unable to comment on my own blog."
    I have had the same problem for months, [and unable to sign in to comment on any blog], but have been too busy to try and find a way around.
    I use Chrome for photo and music stuff, so I have this morning, tried Chrome for my morning "Blogfest" and it seems to be working. So, it could well be a Firefox problem....

  3. I can't comment on Ken's blog anymore. I am also anonymous on both. Glad Tasha is having a spa day!

    1. Commenting works fine in MS Edge and in Google Chrome, but not in Firefox. Are you using Safari? Don't stop trying.

  4. You will have to post photos of Tasha after her grooming. I need my dog fix!

  5. mitch, I seem to be able to comment if I open Blogger in MS Edge.

    tim, it seems to work in Edge as well, again reinforcing the idea that it's a Firefox problem.

    evelyn, I wonder if it's a Google/Firefox conflict. My conspiracy theory of the day... LOL

    michael, you got it! Take a look today (Friday).


Tell me what you think!