Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Looking south

This is the view from just behind the Carnot monument (yesterday's photo), looking south over Angoulême and its suburbs. The street below is the rue Louis Desbrandes.

The view toward the south from the Rempart Desaix, Angoulême.

As I mentioned before, Angoulême is built on a plateau above the Charente River. Streets climb, some rather steeply and with hairpin switchbacks, up the hill to the old city. I stood at the edge of what remains of the city's defensive wall for this photo.


  1. I like the look of those row houses. I wonder what they look like inside.

  2. On first glance, it looks like a town in Pennsylvania...maybe it's the wires :)

  3. Good photo of the row houses. I enjoyed reading about Carnot yesterday. He lived in tumultuous times like what we are going through today.

  4. At a quick glance I was reminded of "The Crescent" that glamourous structure of attached houses in Bath, England. Of course, it was quite different with all of it's columns on a curve and the detailed capitals. Gorgeous views here from the back ; I can imagine.

  5. What history must be in these buildings.

  6. mitch, it would be interesting to find out!

    judy, oh, we're living here in Angoulême... LOL

    evelyn, I'm starting to think there are nothing but tumultuous times.

    mary, :)

    michael, it makes you wonder!


Tell me what you think!