Sunday, October 22, 2023


We made our way west in central Angoulême, heading toward the old city's ramparts and the cathedral. A broad tree-lined avenue (actually two avenues with a pedestrian area between) connects city hall with streets that more or less follow the lines of the old city's fortifications.

Avenue des Maréchaux on the left, avenue Georges Clemenceau on the right.

Our weather right now is chilly. I had a fire going most of the day yesterday, and probably will again today and tomorrow. We're expecting some more rain and wind tomorrow, too. The rain is welcome, but the wind is not.

The house is cold in the morning. The inside temperature goes down to 18.5ºC (65ºF), but not below, meaning that it's not cold enough inside for the central heat to come on. Once it gets colder outdoors, the inside temperature will dip, too, and we'll have warm radiators in the morning. I know, I could adjust the thermostat. But I don't.


  1. If that were our house, SG would make sure the central heat kicked on at 72F. We had friends who had theirs set at 60F (we always spent Christmas with them and we froze). I'd be happy at your house temp.

  2. I see a nice statue at the end of the promenade.

  3. I hope you two (and Tasha!) enjoyed your trip, despite the inconveniences along the way.

  4. Angoulême has some beautiful parts. This tree-lined street with the sculpture at the end is definitely one of them. What is behind the sculpture - perhaps farmland?

  5. No - now on a second look it appears to be more of the town.

  6. Oh I love old trees they are so tall and majestic. All the trees around here are really high shrubs that grow like weeds which they are.

  7. mitch, 72 is quite comfortable. The wood stove helps us get there.

    evelyn, It's quite big. I'll post a closer shot soon.

    judy, oh, yes. We ate all our meals on the terrace enjoying the sunshine and warmth.

    mary, it's more of the town and suburbs!

    michael, I think that I shall never see...


Tell me what you think!