Saturday, June 22, 2019

Spare grass

That's what I and my siblings used to call asparagus when we were kids. I don't remember any of us actually liking it. I detested the stuff. It would make me gag. All that's changed now, of course. I really like fresh asparagus, green or white, when it's in season. The season is pretty much over now, locally. Asparagus plants have been left to flower and go to seed and their roots will recharge for next year. Out in the vineyard, among the vines, rogue asparagus plants (those whose seeds were dropped by birds) are also producing berries.

These asparagus berries will turn bright red when they ripen.

Summer is here, and the weather people are saying we're in for a heat wave this coming week. Serious heat. I'm talking upper 30s C, which is the high 90s F. Yikes! I spent some time on Friday morning weeding the vegetable garden. The recent rain has sent the weeds into a frenzy. I've got to get them now before they get out of control.


  1. Do the berries eventually turn black?

  2. I also hat d asparagus when I was a kid and live it, usually, now. In small doses. Oh the after-smell!

  3. Asparagus was never offered to us when we were young. My gagging vegetable was brussel sprouts. Nothing much makes me gag now 🤦‍♂️

  4. Isn't it fascinating how things we hated in are youth are now enjoyed? I too felt similar about aspergarus

  5. chm, everything eventually turns black! lol

    mitch, the season is short, so it doesn't last long.

    andrew, I love brussels sprouts!

    michael, some people never get over their childhood dislikes. I've noticed that French kids often eat stuff (with relish) that no American kid would touch.

  6. What A Shot - Well Done



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