Friday, June 28, 2019

Reach for the sky

The grape vines out back are growing vigorously. Soon, the trimming tractors will be plying the rows, cutting the sprawling tendrils back, creating neatly squared-off rows of vines. They do this, I think, to force the vines' energy into grape production rather than leaf production.

The grower who owns these vines has been out mowing down the tall grass between rows these past couple of mornings.

Our daily heat wave update: Thursday was a hot one. The high temperature at our house was 34.9ºC (about 95ºF). The humidity was a little higher than it has been, but it's certainly not oppressively clothes-drenching humid. Thank goodness. We're expecting another day or two with highs in the low thirties before the heat breaks. Please pass the lemonade.


  1. I love watching the progress in those fields.

  2. I can't believe this heat you're having! It will make a difference with less humidity, that's true. We, here in Missouri, have such oppressively thick humidity, normally, but when we had a 6-week drought and heatwave, 5 years ago or so, the heat was numbing (hitting 107°F on more than one day), but it did feel different without the accompanying humidity. No rain, no humidity! It was too hot for humidity to stay in the air!


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