Sunday, August 15, 2021

Don't get saucy with me

I decided that the best thing to do with those tomatoes from the garden was to make a batch of sauce. The tomatoes were small and not very pretty, so sauce it was. I got enough for two meals, be they pizza, meat sauce, or something else. Both containers went into the freezer.

Garden tomatoes coming to the simmer.

We're still expecting a few nice days, but it will be less hot. Mini heat waves are much easier to bear than long ones.


  1. I can taste that sauce. 76 percent humidity right now. I’d like a break from the humidity.

  2. There is nothing as good as homegrown, homemade.

  3. Oh, and we know how delicious that sauce will be!

  4. What's the thickness behind the sauce?

  5. Very wise move. I love a good homemade sauce.

  6. mitch, it's been humid here, too, but much cooler than where you are.

    travel, true!

    judy, let's hope so!

    diane, the reflection in the pot??

    michael, we won't get as much this year as in past years, but it's something.


Tell me what you think!