Monday, August 30, 2021

Setting seed

Our artichokes are doing their late summer thing. The flowers are faded and the seeds are emerging. Like many members of the thistle family, the artichoke's seeds fly away on feathery parachutes. One year, we found an artichoke plant sprouted from a seed that fell in our garden path.

The artichoke flowers have dried up and are beginning to release their seeds.

If my favorite weather web site is correct (ha!), we have a few days of warm and sunny weather ahead. As I predicted, removal of the soaker hose from the garden is responsible. That, and the fact that summer vacation officially ends this week. Good weather will give us a chance to make some progress in the yard and garden. There's no lack of stuff to do.


  1. You should have removed the soaker hose sooner. SG washed the car yesterday -- hoping for rain.


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