Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Tasha Tuesday

Tasha often likes to sit where she can watch what's going on outdoors and in the kitchen at the same time. You never know when a vehicle might go by or a tasty morsel might drop to the floor. Vigilance frequently pays off.

Deck doors to the right, kitchen at my back. Pay no attention to the paw prints on the tile.

I received the SIM card yesterday for the smart phone. Setting it up is more complicated than I expected, but I think I'm close. The phone is obviously smarter than I am. The devil is in the details. My new phone number, however, is easy to remember.


  1. Tasha is beautiful and sly. Smart phones have the ability to make us feel very NOT smart.

  2. Great picture of Tasha. What paw prints? You want to see my glass coffee table? Cat and dog paw prints.

  3. T. is alert for things to investigate or to find an opportunity for adventure - and she'll certainly keep you on the right track, no worry.

  4. Tasha is so sweet and savvy. I am a frequent user of Dr Google who helps me with my cell phone, computer, iwatch, hearing aids and general health! Oh, I also forgot my household appliances, too.

  5. Smart phones are there for us. We just have to learn how to be smart like them. (not always easy!) Homes with pets are the way to go (pawprints or otherwise!).

  6. mitch, the first thing the phone did was update its operating system. Things moved around a little and confused me.

    bettyann, I'm glad it's not just me.

    raybeard, for sure!

    evelyn, I'll have to look for that!

    mary, I suspect the phone is listening to me, so I should be prudent.


Tell me what you think!