Saturday, September 07, 2024

A provençal kind of dish

I took photos of the pissaladière I made last week, but they didn't come out well. This is the best one. It's not really une pissaladière authentique since there are no anchovies. I also used some green olives (I was low on black olives), which I don't think is common. At any rate, the pizzas were delicious. I caramelized onions on a low simmer with oregano and thyme and a soupçon of sugar for the topping. I've since put black olives on the shopping list.

The second of two pizzas. Next time I'll make more caramelized onions to better cover the crust.

It rained most of the night and it continues this morning. I don't think I'll go to the market in the rain. There's nothing we really need, so I'll wait until next week.


  1. I like green olives on pizza, always have....

  2. Pissaladière will be on the menu tonight, after buying some black olives for mine, as well! I have the sardines, though and I can't wait to taste it with the carmelized onions! You are definitely an influencer, Walt!


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