Thursday, September 12, 2024

Old mother hen?

I don't know how old this bird is. I don't know if it's a mother. I don't even know if it's a hen. And those chicks... are they hers/his? I just don't know.

I'm reasonably sure that it's a chicken.

This morning, the outdoor thermometer says we're in the single digits. It's just under 10ºC (about 50ºF). The central heat hasn't kicked in, so the house is chilly. **Correction: the heat did come on just after I typed that. Today is haircut day.


  1. 10° Centipede.... lucky you.... we are 4,5°!!
    But loads of macro spiders' webs to photograph!!
    And she is a hen and judging by the proximity, they are her brood....
    she looks like a Marran or Marran cross. Fine looking bird!!!

  2. It’s Rhode Island Red crossed with light Sussex. We have loads of ‘em! Pats🚜

  3. Chilly and sunny... fall trying to make its way in!

  4. You caught those chicks hiding in the shadows! I had to look twice to find them ..;"where are those chicks?"

  5. tim, that's cold!

    pats, is that similar to tim's marran?

    travel, I agree.

    evelyn, until dinner time... lol

    judy, that's for sure!

    mary, they certainly are difficult to see in those shadows.

    1. Walt, no.... not similar... except that they are chooks!!
      There are loads of varieties of fowl... and then there are the crosses like this one... and then there are crosses of crosses.... and crosses of crossed crosses!
      I'll happily go with Pat's ID.... you should see our cockerel.... he's a tiny, frizzy bantam... shame I can't post a photo!!
      His girl, Venus, loves him because she's a big girl and he looks big because of all the feathers, but only weighs about 500gms.... one pound of randiness!


Tell me what you think!