Saturday, September 14, 2024

Castle and bridge

A typical sight in the Dordogne Valley. I can't tell you which castle this is. I probably should do the research and try to figure it out. But I'm too lazy and it's my morning to walk Tasha (maybe those two things cancel each other out, but I'm too lazy to... you get it).

If you recognize this château, let me know.

We're still in the chilly zone. Two of our neighbors (four of us in the hamlet have riding mowers) have cut their grass in the past two days. Over achievers. I think it's too cold and a little to wet to be riding around on the mower, and I'm lazy (see above), so I'm waiting for the predicted warmer, dryer days ahead. I hope the forecasters are right.


  1. Cooler today here and dreary with temps only reaching high 70s (warm to you) but the humidity is unpleasant. If the chateau is in walking distance to a cafe and a train line, I’ll take it.

  2. So glad you have a riding mower! I'm glad that I made it to Dordogne when I had the oppuntunity.


Tell me what you think!