Monday, September 16, 2024

Here's pie in your eye

Our trees are laden with apples this year, so I've put a few of them to good use. After some recent blustery weather, a lot of the riper apples have fallen. Those left on the trees are still pretty small and not so ripe. So, I rummaged around on the ground for a few apples nice enough for a tarte aux pommes. I thawed some applesauce that I made two years ago for the base (under the sliced apples) of the pie.

Dessert is served!

I cleaned up the apples, peeled them and sliced them for the top. There were some blemishes that I trimmed out. The crust is my standard pâte brisée (short crust). It's really easy and quick to put together with the food processor, except for some resting time between steps. The top is glazed with Ken's home-made plum jelly. Yum!


  1. I remember seeing all the apples that fall off your tree each year! Your pie looks wonderful.

  2. It all looks so scrumptious, and, as I'm sure I've said before, I love that cake/pie plate.

  3. Your pie looks delicious and beautifully presented too!

  4. That is a work of art and the thought of the plum jelly glaze makes my mouth water. You guys create so much deliciousness.

  5. Looks like there is enough of that delicious-looking tarte for all of us! Wish it were true!

  6. evelyn, we have a lot of apples this year.

    judy, that plate came from the supermarket!

    anon, thanks!

    mitch, that plum jelly came out really well and it's go so many uses.

    mary, a party!


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