Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Another "mystery" château

It's really no mystery, it's just that I haven't made an effort to identify it. UPDATE: Ken used the Google photo ID app to identify the château. It's the Château do Fayrac.

Another Dordogne château.

I did get some yard work done yesterday which I hope is part of the prelude to cutting the grass later this week. I cut down the fading artichoke stalks and added them to the pile of yard waste that I've made where the vegetable garden usually goes. Then I covered the pile with a tarp so it doesn't turn into a soggy rotting mess before I can get rid of it. I did some weed whacking along the back yard path and I applied some herbicide to the tree stumps in the north forty where weeds are brambles are trying to take hold. They're sprouting where the mower can't reach.


  1. The spring foliage makes it rayant.

  2. That's a good bit of work, in my book!

  3. When you’ve been to so many chateaus, I understand it’s difficult to separate the experiences. Kind of like us with Burger Kings.

  4. evelyn, lots of green!

    judy, one thing a day (or enough little things to add up)!

    mitch, LOL!


Tell me what you think!