Well, if not a rut, we're in a pattern. It is temporary, but it's life with a puppy. Tasha wakes me up every morning between 03h30 and 04h30 to go outside. Most times she pees, and sometimes she poops, and other times she does nothing. Either way, I'm glad she makes the effort and doesn't do her business upstairs. Then we go back to bed. By 05h00, she's hungry and wants to eat, so one or both of us get up and take her down for breakfast. After she eats, she's bouncing off the walls and we have about an hour of vigorous play.
Tractor ruts in the vineyard.
When Callie gets back from her morning walk, she gets her breakfast and Tasha gets a biscuit. Then they both play with the tricky treat ball until Callie gets bored. Tasha finishes playing by herself until the ball is empty. Then I take her outside again, just in case. When the weather is good we can stay outside and do things while the dogs play. When the weather is bad we're stuck in the house. I feel like I've had a full day by 09h00!
At about 11h00, Callie gets a rawhide chew and Tasha gets her lunch. Then we're busy making our lunch and Tasha crashes for about an hour- or two-long nap. Yippee! The afternoon varies depending on the weather, but Tasha is usually underfoot somewhere, or playing with the cat, or outside with Callie. We do several "business" runs during the day and Tasha has been very good about going outdoors.
In the evening, we go up to the loft to watch something on television. Tasha likes to hang out with us up there with a little light play mixed in. Then, around 20h30 or 21h00, we go outside to take care of business, and she has been very good about that (I feel less anxious when she's "empty" before bed time). Then, it's bed. Until around 03h30 when we start all over again.
We still have an occasional accident in the house (like this morning), but otherwise house training is going pretty well. Tasha still cannot get down the stairs, so we have to carry her down. I keep reminding myself that she's just a pup, only three and a half months old, so in the grand scheme of things it's all going well and the little inconveniences will soon be a memory.